Solitary Poems for
Soprano Saxophone
Welcome to the Solitary Poems project:
A creative response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent obliteration of livelihoods for freelance musicians, this series of SOLITARY POEMS from 30 international composers aims to ameliorate this situation and simultaneously support the creation of new music for Soprano Saxophone. The Swedish Record label BIS released a Super Audio with its selection of 23 Solitary Poems on November 4, 2023:
Also available in Dolby Atmos
Listen on SPOTIFY

SOPRANSAXOFONISTEN Anders Paulsson har under många år haft en stor internationell karriär med sitt ovanliga soloinstrument och turnerat över hela världen. Det satte pandemin stopp för, men istället för att slå sig till ro lade Paulsson ut beställningar på nya verk av en rad svenska och utländska tonsättare och bad dem skriva solostycken för honom och hans instrument.
30 kompositörer svarade och den 20 november 2021 spelade Paulsson en konsert i Kungsholms kyrka med Solitary Poem #1-14.
På konserten i Sofia Kyrka den 3 December 2022 spelade Anders Solitary Poem #15-31.
Den 4 November 2023 släpptes denna Super Audio CD på BIS:

Solitary Poems album booklet

Solitary Poem #
Solitary Poems #1-14 live Concert in Kungsholms Kyrka 20/11-2021
Composed by:
Fredrik Högberg, Fredrik Sixten, Steve Dobrogosz, Britta Byström, John Corigliano, Kjell Perder, Andrea Tarrodi, Stella Sung, Ann-Sofi Söderqvist, Johan Hammerth, Marie Samuelsson, Svante Henryson, Thomas Simaku, Anders Hillborg
Swedish soprano saxophonist Anders Paulsson has since 1987 had an international career as a soloist with orchestras and choirs.
The Covid-19 Pandemic put everything on hold but Anders decided to follow American violinist Jennifer Koh's initiative"Alone Together" with his "Solitary Poems for Soprano Saxophone".
The project has attracted 30 international composers to write for him and this Concert presents the first 14 for a live audience in Kungsholms Kyrka, Stockholm Sweden.
Fredrik Högberg “Orphan Elephant” 3:03
Fredrik Sixten “Sarabande” 7:56
Steve Dobrogosz “Gracenotes” 14:56
Britta Byström “Later the Same Day”* 19:41 *duet with Theo Hillborg
John Corigliano “And the People Stayed Home” 31:01
Kjell Perder “How Dare You?” 38:02
Andrea Tarrodi “...of days gone by...” 47:27
Stella Sung “Soliloquy” 53:07
Ann-Sofi Söderqvist “Solitude” 58:20
Johan Hammerth “Lontano” 1:05:26
Marie Samuelsson “Piece to Anders from Marie” 1:11:06
Svante Henryson “Crux” 1:20:16
Thomas Simaku “Soliloquy VI” 1:25:02
Anders Hillborg “Shared Solitude” 1:44:47* duet with Theo Hillborg
Meet the composer interviews by Sharon Jåma
Video art by Markus Heggestad & Nalle Rösell
Sound engineer by Stellan Särlefalk | Gillian Lissollas,
Live stream by Nalle Rösell Performance Solutions
The Swedish record company BIS will release a Super Audio CD with their selection in December 2023.
Solitary Poem #
Solitary Poems #15-31 live Concert in Sofia Church, December 3, 2022
Composed by:
Victoria Borisova-Ollas, Anders Nilsson, Bjørn Kruse, Jörgen Dafgård, Staffan Storm, Anders Hillborg, Anna-Lena Laurin, Paula af Malmborg Ward, Bo Hansson, Ad Wammes, Jonathan Sheffer, Johan Hugosson, Thomas Lindahl, Thomas Persson, Pelle Olofson, Dror Feiler, Christian Lindberg
Final Concert of the Solitary Poems project
Solitary Poem #
Composed by:
Pelle Olofson
Solitary Poem #21: Prayer by Pelle Olofson was recorded in the awesome 11 seconds acoustics in Uppsala Cathedral in Sweden using Thuresson CM 402 microphones.Video recording and editing by Markus Heggestad.The sheet music is available at Hohestimmen: pelle@olofson.seThis series of SOLITARY POEMS FOR SOPRANO SAXOPHONE is a creative response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent obliteration of livelihoods for freelance musicians. It aims to ameliorate the situation and simultaneously support the creation of new music by leading Swedish, Norwegian, Albanian, Dutch and American composers. This new repertoire will be a treasure when we can physically attend live performances again in our beloved concert halls around the world. The series presents a Solitary Poem world premiere on the first day of every month from February 2021 until January 1st 2023.Anders Paulsson Swish: 0768 68 49 49
Solitary Poem #
amber soliloquy
Composed by:
Bjørn Kruse
Trapped inside amber like an ancient insect in fossilized resin
Solitary Poem #
Composed by:
Jörgen Dafgård
Solitary Poem #19: "Iridescence" is inspired by the final cadenza of the soprano saxophone concerto Abrasax by Jörgen Dafgård.Iridescence is also the phenomenon of certain surfaces that appear to gradually change color as the angle of view or the angle of illumination changes. Examples of iridescence include soap bubbles, feathers, butterfly wings and seashell nacre, as well as certain minerals. It is often created by structural coloration.
Sheet music:
JÖRGEN DAFGÅRD is a Sweden-based full time professional composer. Having just finished his diploma studies Dafgård made a striking debut in 2000 with his orchestral work Veils. As first prize winner at the Stockholm Berwald Hall and top ten contribution in the international Masterprize competition Veils has been performed a dozen times and has been heard on radio all around the world. In 2013 Jörgen Dafgård was Composer of Spring at the Berwald Hall, where many of his orchestral works were performed, including a premiere of the clarinet concerto Caprism.
In 2017 the premiere of Dafgård's soprano saxophone concerto Abrasax with Anders Paulsson was a great success.
This series of SOLITARY POEMS FOR SOPRANO SAXOPHONE is a creative response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent obliteration of livelihoods for freelance musicians. It aims to ameliorate the situation and simultaneously support the creation of new music by leading Swedish, Norwegian, Albanian, Serbian, British and American composers. The series presents a Solitary Poem world premiere on the first day of every month from February 2021 until December 2023.
Recorded with Thuresson CM402 microphones
Video editing and creation by Markus Heggestad
Acoustic design by Håkan Sjögren / SonoConsult
Solitary Poem #
Composed by:
Jonathan Sheffer
Inspired by Johann Sebastian Bach, here is the premiere performance of Jonathan Sheffer's Toccata - Sarabande - Rondo = Short/Suite
that he wrote for me as Solitary Poem #18.
My videographer Per-Markus Heggestad intuitively picked up on the cosmic dimension of this music.
Acoustic design by Håkan Sjögren
Solitary Poem #
Growing, coming, filling up
Composed by:
Paula af Malmborg Ward
Delighted to present Solitary Poem #17 "Growing, coming, filling up" by Paula af Malmborg Ward whose photographs also are shown in this video."While dealing with depth and darkness as well as light and hope,I wonder - is there a connection between the extremes?Let's see what happens if we unite them in a tarantula.Here! Look at them; how they dance into the future, without boundaries."
Sheet music:
This series of SOLITARY POEMS FOR SOPRANO SAXOPHONE is a creative response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent obliteration of livelihoods for freelance musicians. It aims to ameliorate the situation and simultaneously support the creation of new music by leading Swedish, Norwegian, Albanian, Serbian, British and American composers. The series presents a Solitary Poem world premiere on the first day of every month from February 2021 until December 2023.
Recorded with Thuresson CM402 microphonesAcoustic design by Håkan Sjögren/SonoConsult
Video editing by Markus Heggestad
Solitary Poem #
Composed by:
Bo Hansson
Delighted to present Solitary Poem #16 for Soprano Saxophone: Memories by Bo Hansson whose beautiful poetic paintings also are shown in this video.This series of SOLITARY POEMS FOR SOPRANO SAXOPHONE is a creative response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent obliteration of livelihoods for freelance musicians. It aims to ameliorate the situation and simultaneously support the creation of new music by leading Swedish, Norwegian, Albanian, Serbian, British and American composers. The series presents a Solitary Poem world premiere on the first day of every month from February 2021 until December 2023.Recorded with Thuresson CM402 microphonesAcoustic design by Håkan Sjögren/SonoConsultVideo editing by Markus Heggestad
Solitary Poem #
Orphan Elephant
Composed by:
Fredrik Högberg
As a creative response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent obliteration of livelihoods for freelance musicians, this series of SOLITARY POEMS FOR SOPRANO SAXOPHONE aims to ameliorate this situation and simultaneously support the creation of new music by leading Swedish, Norwegian, British, and American composers.
This new repertoire will be a treasure when we can physically attend live performances again in our beloved concert halls around the world.
This series will present a world premiere on the first day of every month until July 1st, 2023.
I think of Fredrik Högberg's Orphan Elephant as a lament for our current ecological crisis and mass extinction of species🌏
Fredrik Högberg: Swish: 123 06 416 13
Anders Paulsson Swish: 0768 68 49 49
Sound engineer: Håkan Sjögren/SonoConsult
Video editing: Markus Heggestad
Solitary Poem #
Composed by:
Fredrik Sixten
As a creative response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent obliteration of livelihoods for freelance musicians, this series of SOLITARY POEMS FOR SOPRANO SAXOPHONE aims to ameliorate this situation and simultaneously support the creation of new music by 30 leading Swedish, Norwegian, British, and American composers.
This new repertoire will be a treasure when we can physically attend live performances again in our beloved concert halls around the world.
This series will present a world premiere on the first day of every month until July 1st, 2023.
Fredrik Sixten's Sarabande is also great exercise for playing large intervals legato cantabile.
Fredrik Sixten Swish:+4746767997
Anders Paulsson Swish: 0768 68 49 49
Sound engineer: Håkan Sjögren/SonoConsult
Video editing: Markus Heggestad
Solitary Poem #
Composed by:
Steve Dobrogosz
As a creative response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent obliteration of livelihoods for freelance musicians, this series of
SOLITARY POEMS FOR SOPRANO SAXOPHONE aims to ameliorate this situation and simultaneously support the creation of new music by
30 leading Swedish, Norwegian, British, and American composers.
This new repertoire will be a treasure when we can physically attend live performances again in our beloved Concert halls around the world.
This series will present a world premiere on the first day of every month until July 1st, 2023.
Steve Dobrogosz's new composition "Gracenotes" is based on a folksong that he has embellished with an abundance of gracenotes that brings advanced jazz harmonies into the context.
Personally I feel that Steve's music also has a spiritual grace
which brings an extra meaning to the title.
Steve Dobrogosz Swish: 0737 55 81 02
Sheet Music:
Anders Paulsson Swish: 0768 68 49 49
Sound engineer: Håkan Sjögren/SonoConsult
Video editing: Markus Heggestad
Solitary Poem #
Later the Same Day
Composed by:
Britta Byström
Very happy to present this brilliant new piece by Swedish composer Britta Byström entitled "Later the Same Day".A canon for two soprano saxophones reminiscent of Steve Reich' s "Electric Counterpoint"
As a creative response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent obliteration of livelihoods for freelance musicians, this series of
SOLITARY POEMS FOR SOPRANO SAXOPHONE aims to ameliorate this situation and simultaneously support the creation of new music by
30 leading Swedish, Norwegian, British, and American composers.
This new repertoire will be a treasure when we can physically attend live performances again in our beloved Concert halls around the world.
This series will present a world premiere on the first day of every month until June 1st, 2023.
Britta Byström Swish: 0703 57 15 13
Sheet Music: Edition Wilhelm Hansen
Anders Paulsson Swish: 0768 68 49 49
Sound mixing by Håkan Sjögren SonoConsult
Video editing by Markus Heggestad
Program notes by the composer Britta Byström:
When Anders Paulsson asked me whether I would like to contribute with a solo saxophone piece to his pandemic project ”Solitary Poems”, I asked in return: ”is it OK with two saxophones...?”
I regarded it as going even further in the ingenuity of the lonely, isolated musician: letting him play a duet with himself! This also gave the form of the piece: From beginning to end, it is a strict canon, where saxophone number two – in a distance of four measures – imitates exactly the playing of saxophone number one. And never will the imitation be so exact as when a musician mirrors himself, does the same thing once more – only a little later... This made me think of Grace Paley’s famous short story collection ”Later the Same Day” (1985), from which I borrowed the title of the piece.
”Later the Same Day” for two soprano saxophones is dedicated to Anders Paulsson.
När Anders Paulsson frågade om jag ville bidra med ett soloverk för sopransaxofon till hans coronaprojekt ”Solitary Poems”, var min motfråga: ”går det bra med två saxofoner...?”
Jag såg det som att gå ytterligare ett steg i den ensamma, isolerade musikerns uppfinningsrikedom: att spela duett med sig själv! Detta gav också verkets form: en strikt kanon från början till slut, där saxofon nummer två – med ett avstånd på fyra takter – exakt härmar saxofon nummer ett. Och aldrig blir härmningen så exakt som när en musiker så att säga speglar sig själv, gör samma sak en gång till – bara lite senare... Det fick mina tankar att gå till Grace Paleys berömda novellsamling ”Later the Same Day” (1985), som fick bli verkets titel.
”Later the Same Day” för två sopransaxofoner är tillägnad Anders Paulsson.
Solitary Poem #
And The People Stayed Home
Composed by:
John Corigliano
World premiere performance of Academy Award winner John Corigliano‘s beautiful new setting for soprano saxophone of Catherine O’Meara’s powerful and prophetic poem inspired by the COVID Pandemic.
Here is Renée Fleming’s version:
As a creative response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent obliteration of livelihoods for freelance musicians, this series of
SOLITARY POEMS FOR SOPRANO SAXOPHONE aims to ameliorate this situation and simultaneously support the creation of new music by
30 leading Swedish, Norwegian, British, and American composers.
This new repertoire will be a treasure when we can physically attend live performances again in our beloved Concert halls around the world.
This series will present a world premiere on the first day of every month until August 1st, 2023.
Sound mixing by Håkan Sjögren SonoConsult
Video editing by Markus Heggestad
Anders Paulsson Swish: 0768 68 49 49
Solitary Poem #
How Dare You?
Composed by:
Kjell Perder
"How Dare You?" is inspired by the young rebellion movement that wants to change our behaviour in order to reverse the current ecological degradation and mass extinction of species.
It is composed by Kjell Perder for Soprano Saxophone and the ancient indigenous Didgeridoo inspired by Greta Thunberg's speech at the United Nations.
My dear South African friend Bruce Copley who is playing the Didgeridoo, inspired me to play by the Sea, musically apologizing to all non-human species for our transgressions and abuses of Mother Earth and its life supporting ecosystems
As a creative response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent obliteration of livelihoods for freelance musicians, this series of SOLITARY POEMS FOR SOPRANO SAXOPHONE aims to ameliorate this situation and simultaneously support the creation of new music by 30 leading Swedish, Norwegian, British, and American composers.
This new repertoire will be a treasure when we can physically attend live performances again in our beloved Concert halls around the world.
This series will present a world premiere on the first day of every month until August 1st, 2023.
Kjell Perder Swish: 0708 75 46 20
Sheet Music:
Anders Paulsson Swish: 0768 68 49 49
Sound engineer: Håkan Sjögren/SonoConsult
Video editing: Markus Heggestad
Solitary Poem #
Of days gone by
Composed by:
Andrea Tarrodi
Solitary Poem #7 for Soprano Saxophone; "of days gone by" by Andrea Tarrodi is inspired by Duke Ellington's "Solitude" as performed by Billie Holiday.
As a creative response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent obliteration of livelihoods for freelance musicians, this series of SOLITARY POEMS FOR SOPRANO SAXOPHONE aims to ameliorate this situation and simultaneously support the creation of new music by 30 leading Swedish, Norwegian, British, and American composers.
This new repertoire will be a treasure when we can physically attend live performances again in our beloved Concert halls around the world.
This series will present a world premiere on the first day of every month until August 1st, 2023.
Andrea Tarrodi Swish: 070-205 81 39
Sheet Music: Albatross Musikproduktion
Anders Paulsson Swish: 0768 68 49 49
Sound engineer: Håkan Sjögren/SonoConsult
Video editing: Markus Heggestad
Solitary Poem #
Composed by:
Stella Sung
A musical meditation of a solitary soul embracing the fullness of the water, sun, and earth while “solglitter”- reflections of sunlight on water- dance in the backdrop.
As a creative response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent obliteration of livelihoods for freelance musicians, this series of SOLITARY POEMS FOR SOPRANO SAXOPHONE aims to ameliorate this situation and simultaneously support the creation of new music by 30 leading Swedish, Norwegian, British, and American composers.
This new repertoire will be a treasure when we can physically attend live performances again in our beloved Concert halls around the world.
This series will present a world premiere on the first day of every month until August 1st, 2023.
Sheet Music:
Anders Paulsson Swish: 0768 68 49 49
Sound engineer: Håkan Sjögren/SonoConsult
Video editing: Markus Heggestad
Solitary Poem #
Composed by:
Ann-Sofi Söderqvist
As a creative response by Anders Paulsson to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent obliteration of livelihoods for freelance musicians, this piece was composed by Ann-Sofi Söderqvist and will be performed by Paulsson in a series of SOLITARY POEMS FOR SOPRANO SAXOPHONE aimed to ameliorate the situation and simultaneously support the creation of new music by leading Swedish and American composers. Paulsson reflects: “This new repertoire will be a treasure when we can physically attend live performances again in our beloved concert halls around the world”. The series present a world premiere on the first day of every month from February 2021 until August 2023.
SOLITARY POEM #9 – Solitude – will be premiered on September 1, 2021.
Video editing by Markus Heggestad
Sound design by Håkan Sjögren, SonoConsult
Solitary Poem #
Composed by:
Johan Hammerth
Delighted to present this hauntingly beautiful composition by Johan Hammerth - LONTANO performed by the Baltic Sea.
This is #10 in a series of SOLITARY POEMS FOR SOPRANO SAXOPHONE that is a creative response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent obliteration of livelihoods for freelance musicians.
This series of SOLITARY POEMS FOR SOPRANO SAXOPHONE aims to ameliorate the situation and simultaneously support the creation of new music by leading Swedish, British, Albanian, Norwegian and American composers.
This new repertoire will be a treasure when we can physically attend live performances again in our beloved concert halls around the world.
The series presents a world premiere on the first day of every month from February 2021 until August 2023.
Johan Hammerth Swish: 070 467 39 52
Anders Paulsson Swish: 0768 68 49 49
Video filming and editing by Markus Heggestad
Sound design by Håkan Sjögren, SonoConsult
Solitary Poem #
Piece to Anders from Marie
Composed by:
Marie Samuelsson
Delighted to present Solitary Poem #11 by Swedish composer Marie Samuelsson:
"Piece to Anders from Marie"
Inspired by the flickering bisbigliando technique I decided to perform it with a strobe light.
This series of SOLITARY POEMS FOR SOPRANO SAXOPHONE is a creative response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent obliteration of livelihoods for freelance musicians.
It aims to ameliorate the situation and simultaneously support the creation of new music by leading Swedish, British, Albanian, Norwegian and American composers.
This new repertoire will be a treasure when we can physically attend live performances again in our beloved concert halls around the world.
The series presents a world premiere on the first day of every month from February 2021 until October 2023.
Sheet Music:
Anders Paulsson Swish: 0768 68 49 49
Video filming and editing by Markus Heggestad
Sound design by Håkan Sjögren, SonoConsult
Solitary Poem #
Composed by:
Svante Henryson
Delighted to present Solitary Poem #12 for Soprano Saxophone:
"Crux" by Swedish composer Svante Henryson.
The sheet music for Crux is available at
The definition of crux is the central point of something, or is something that seems impossible to solve.
An example of a crux is the most important beliefs of a religion.
An example of a crux is a Rubik's cube. A puzzling or apparently insoluble problem. Or in the case of this piece, the tricky challenges of staccato octave jumps and very few places to breathe.
This series of SOLITARY POEMS FOR SOPRANO SAXOPHONE is a creative response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent obliteration of livelihoods for freelance musicians.
It aims to ameliorate the situation and simultaneously support the creation of new music by leading Swedish, British, Albanian, Norwegian and American composers.
This new repertoire will be a treasure when we can physically attend live performances again in our beloved concert halls around the world.
The series presents a world premiere on the first day of every month from February 2021 until November 2023.
Anders Paulsson Swish: 0768 68 49 49
Video editing by Markus Heggestad
Sound design by Håkan Sjögren, SonoConsult
Solitary Poem #
Shared Solitude - a duet with Theo Hillborg
Composed by:
Anders Hillborg
So happy to start the New Year by publishing Anders Hillborg's Solitary Poem "Shared Solitude" for two Soprano Saxophones - a duet with Theo Hillborg.
The sheet music will be available at Faber Music.
A live recording from Kungsholms Church, Stockholm, Sweden
November 20th, 2021 by Performance Solutions
Nalle Rösell & Olliver Riiser - video and livestream production
Stellan Särlefalk & Gillian Curi - mixing and sound production
This series of SOLITARY POEMS FOR SOPRANO SAXOPHONE is a creative response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent obliteration of livelihoods for freelance musicians.
It aims to ameliorate the situation and simultaneously support the creation of new music by leading Swedish, Norwegian, Albanian, Serbian, British and American composers.
This new repertoire will be a treasure when we can physically attend live performances again in our beloved concert halls around the world.
The series presents a Solitary Poem world premiere on the first day of every month from February 2021 until December 2023.
Solitary Poem #
Soliloquy VI
Composed by:
Thomas Simaku
Delighted to present Solitary Poem #14 - Soliloquy VI
by Albanian - British composer Thomas Simaku.
It was recorded in the awesome 11 seconds acoustics of the sacred space of Uppsala Cathedral in Sweden using Thuresson CM 402 microphones.
Video recording and editing by Markus Heggestad.
The sheet music is available at University of York Music Press.
This series of SOLITARY POEMS FOR SOPRANO SAXOPHONE is a creative response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent obliteration of livelihoods for freelance musicians.
It aims to ameliorate the situation and simultaneously support the creation of new music by leading Swedish, Norwegian, Albanian, Serbian, British and American composers.
This new repertoire will be a treasure when we can physically attend live performances again in our beloved concert halls around the world.
The series presents a Solitary Poem world premiere on the first day of every month from February 2021 until December 2023.
Anders Paulsson Swish: 0768 68 49 49
Solitary Poem #
Call 23
Composed by:
Johan Hugosson
The title "Call 23" is inspired by Sweden's promise of becoming a carbon dioxide neutral nation by 2045, 23 years from 2022.
The piece contains 23 calls employing upward quarter tone trills, one for each year, until 2045. Each call is not to be taken literally as an exact year, rather the increasing tension shows the urgency needed to work out this problem, common to all humanity.
That the piece finishes with a desperate call does not mean that the composer Johan Hugosson holds a defeatist view, it just points out the gravity of the situation.
Call 23 was commissioned by and dedicated to Anders Paulsson.
World premiere March 1st 2022.
This series of SOLITARY POEMS FOR SOPRANO SAXOPHONE is a creative response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent obliteration of livelihoods for freelance musicians.
It aims to ameliorate the situation and simultaneously support the creation of new music by leading Swedish, Norwegian, Albanian, Serbian, British and American composers.
The series presents a Solitary Poem world premiere on the first day of every month from February 2021 until December 2023.
Recorded with Thuresson CM402 microphones
Acoustic design by Håkan Sjögren/SonoConsult
Video editing by Markus Heggestad
Johan Hugosson Swish: 0708 27 57 25
Anders Paulsson Swish: 0768 68 49 49